In this Issue

Spiritual Care Team

The Spiritual Care Services team traditionally provides spiritual support face-to-face, but during the COVID-19 pandemic, members system-wide were called upon for support in numbers and ways they never imagined.


HHC After Dark

When all the lights go out at Jefferson House and the night grows dark and silent, residents of this skilled nursing facility can rest easy knowing they have a dedicated group making sure they are safe and secure.


This Is Us

Hartford HealthCare might be where we work, but when we asked you about where you find fun, relaxation or deeper meaning in your lives, we were astonished at the variety of hobbies and avocations you pursue in your spare time.


Cover Story: Heroes Among Us

It was an incredible time to be in healthcare, but our heroes shone brighter than ever before. Here are some of their personal stories.


Happy One-Year Anniversary, SVMC!

Founded in 1903 by the Daughters of Charity, St. Vincent’s Medical Center (SVMC) has been a beacon of hope and health throughout Fairfield County.


Team Building