Hello, Colleagues
Jeffrey A. Flaks President and Chief Executive Officer
What a joy it is to preview each issue of Moments.
It is difficult — impossible, really — to capture the essence of Hartford HealthCare in any format: at a gathering, through a story or photo, in video, on social media. But, for me, this issue comes pretty close. I hope you’ll agree.
In these pages, we encounter data that quantifies the results of our work, like Neighborhood Health (see pages 6-7).
We see leaders being celebrated and honored for their passion and expertise (check out pages 2, 9, 26 and 34 for a sample).
We learn about the holistic approach of our Behavioral Health Network and the difference it makes (cover and centerpiece).
We appreciate and applaud milestones marked, thanks to teamwork and commitment (pages 24-25).
We reflect on what matters most: The sincere gratitude of those we have the great privilege to serve (page 39).
And, as you flip this open, everywhere, on every page, we see colleagues being engaged — in our work, in their pastimes and with each other.
Hartford HealthCare is a special place, and you contribute to that culture every day. Please take a few moments to enjoy seeing our pride and people in print and online.
Thank you for being part of it.