“I want to bring to your attention an outstanding nurse in the Emergency Department. I know her only as Elizabeth. She saved my husband’s life. She was assigned to monitor him for stroke signs, and told the doctor she ‘saw something’ in his responses, advocating for further evaluation. The subsequent CT scan showed intracerebral hemorrhage and accompanying intraventricular hemorrhage. Precious time would have been lost had Elizabeth not advocated for my husband. My family is indebted to her for her care and concern.”

—Frances Hastedt, wife of Backus Hospital patient

“I was brought to your hospital with Steven-Johnson Syndrome, which is life-threatening but treatable and I was treated very well by your staff, from room cleaners to nurses. I remember the name of the most important person on my medical team — Rolando Hernandez, chaplain. He listened to my fears and hopes, my disquiet and my spiritual beliefs. He did not preach; he did respond gently when I asked questions. He held my hand and returned each day of my stay. I left knowing I had a spiritually life-changing experience, an immensely positive one, in addition to a medical one.”

—Jon Abbott, Hartford Hospital patient

“Do you know you have an angel working among you? Her name is Destiny and she works on W2. When I was in the hospital for four days, she went beyond what was required of her, and with much love. She made my stay as comfortable as possible.”

—Barbara Cronin, The Hospital of Central Connecticut patient